Thursday, February 9, 2012

Street Articles -- a Powerful tool

As some of you may, or may not know, I have been using the street articles web publishing site for several months now. it is a great site, with a ton of free tools, and patient moderators, to get you going in the world of Search Engine Optimization. The articles you see their, with careful planning, can drive 1000's of people to your site, on a daily basis, no luck involved. One of my favorite tools, so far, is the "my neighborhood" feature, that shows you statistics on your current areticles, as well as the pending articles and rejected articles. The default page, when first opened, looks somethinglike this:

  From here, you can see the default view, as the number of views, which is great information, and allows you to keep track of waht is popular, based on how many times it has been seen. But what if you want to see the order a different way, say by rank. Then you would just click on the word rank, at the top of the listing, and they are rearranged, in that order. Just keep in mind that the order is descending, so to change that, just click it again. Now your statistics look like this:
 How cool is that. Now you can see the information you need, quickly at just a glance. And this is all for free. 

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